Salman Khan Lyrics [Versuri] – ELIGARF

Short Des: Romanian singer ELIGARF dropped her new single ‘Salman Khan’. The impactful lyrics and mesmerizing music of the song create a unique and uplifting vibe and make it easily memorable and highly replayable. This is a mesmerizing light-hearted track that revolves around the themes of carefree attitude, celebration, party, and living in the moment. This song carries the message of don’t worry about money and have fun in every situation because there is always a way to party in every situation! Read Salman Khan lyrics by ELIGARF, watch the official music video, the artists featured in the song, and the story behind the song. Find out everything you need to know!


Song Credits

Sone NameSalman Khan
Lead VocalsELIGARF
Song WriterAndy Horjea & ELIGARF
Music ProducerELIGARF
Release DateFebruary 3, 2025
Song LanguageRomanian
Copyright ©ROTON MUSIC

ELIGARF – Salman Khan Lyrics

Nu Mai Conteaza Cat Si Unde Am Datorii
Gasesc Ceva Sa-Mi Fac Si Pofta Inimii
Cand E De Bairam, Un Leu Tot Mai Am,
Reciclam Sticle De-Aeara,
Cum Faceam Si Asta-Vara


Cand E De Bairam, Un Leu Tot Mai Am,
Toarna, Tat, Tat, Toarna, Stii Ca Eu…

Cand Ma Imbat, Nu Fac Scandal,
Sa Ma Vada Dama,
Ma Transform In Salman Khan,
O Iau Cu Un Dans, Pas Si Un Lugu-lugu

Cand Ma Imbat, Nu Fac Scandal,
Sa Ma Vada Dama,
Ma Transform In Salman Khan,
O Iau Cu Un Dans, Pas Si Un Lugu-lugu

De Se Anunta Maine Apocalipsa,
Tot Romanul E La Lidl Cu Lista:
Bere, Floricele, Un Cd Plin Cu Manele,
Ca Daca Mor, Vreau Sa O Fac De Placere

Cand E De Bairam, Un Leu Tot Mai Am,
Iau Pe Caiet Un Suc Si Un Desert


Cand E De Bairam, Un Leu Tot Mai Am,
Toarna, Tat, Tat, Toarna, Stii Ca Eu…

Cand Ma Imbat, Nu Fac Scandal,
Sa Ma Vada Dama,
Ma Transform In Salman Khan,
O Iau Cu Un Dans, Pas Si Un Lugu-Lugu

Cand Ma Imbat, Nu Fac Scandal,
Sa Ma Vada Dama,
Ma Transform In Salman Khan,
O Iau Cu Un Dans, Pas Si Un Lugu-Lugu

Frequently Asked Questions

Who wrote the lyrics to the “Salman Khan” song?
The song “Salman Khan” was written by ELIGARF.

Who is the music producer of the “Salman Khan” song?
Andy Horjea and ELIGARF produced the “Salman Khan” song music.

Who is the singer of the “Salman Khan” song?
The “Salman Khan” song is sung by ELIGARF. ELIGARF is a Romanian singer known for her songs like – Sah mat, Stay, and LdR.

When was the “Salman Khan song released?
Salman Khan song was released on February 3, 2025.

What is the duration of the Salman Khan?
The duration of the song Salman Khan is approximately 2 minutes and 31 seconds long.

This is the end of “Salman Khan Song Lyrics” by ELIGARF. Lyrics displayed here are for educational purposes only. We respect the artists and don’t promote copyright infringement instead. If you like this song please share it. If you find any mistakes in the lyrics or credits, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.