SURPRISE Lyrics – Viviane Chidid

Surprise Song by Viviane Chidid: “Surprise” is a Brand New Song, sung by Zeyna NDOUR & Viviane Chidid, and PHILIPPE NDOUR. ​Surprise Song lyrics are penned by ​Bakhaw DIOUM, and the music was produced by ​​​​AKATCHE.

Viviane Chidid – Surprise Lyrics

Dañ Ma Yee Surprise Ma
Ne Nañu Ma Lu Bees La
Pa Phillipe Ak Ze Duma Seen Moroom De Yéen
Damay Nelaw Bàyyileen Ma
Génnaleen Ci Néeg Bi
Pa Phillipe Ak Zey Shëtetët Lakkale Ngeen

Phillipe Yokk Na Fiit, Zeyna Ne Na Day Way
Xaaral Ma Génn Kër Gi Doo Ma Ray
Tay Dal Fi Ngeen Gënaat, Man De Joometina
Ayca Wayal Ma Dégg Doomu Viviane

Toggal Déglu Ma
Toggal Déglu Ma
Ouh, Ouh

La-la-lan La, Ay Foo Laa Ko Jàppe
Tiit Nga Mbadu Danga Jaaxle
Danga Mel Ni Ku Choqué Te Ci Sa Doom Ma
Xam Na Yaa Ngi Naan Sa Xel, Non Non Du Zeyna

Maman, Tay Joomi Nga
Du Lu Metti Su Ñu Def Ko Dara Mënu Fe Ñaaw
Ay Foo Rekk Didi Bége Dindi Stress Bi Now
Yaa Ñu May Fiit, Doole Ñu Ne Sa Ginnaaw

Sa Lakkale (Ñëw Na)
Let Me Take It (Over)
Sa Naqar (Over)

My Love For You
Sa Xarit Bi Ñëw Na
My Mama Big Ballin’
And She Ridin’ In A Rover

Sunu Famille Peace La
Dundu Happiness La
Fowak Samay Doom
Joxleen Lu Leen Neex Ci Man
Loo Leen Bëgg Bëgg Naa Ko
Yeenay Sama Life Man
Pa Phillipe Ak Ze Surprise Bi Man Neex Na Ma
Lu Juge Ci Xol Dafay Dellu Ci Xol
Xaaral Ma Batré Leen Li Ma Yor
Tay Dal Fi Ngeen Génaat Man De Jometina
Ayca Wayal Ma Dégg Doomu Viviane

Toggal Déglu Ma
Toggal Déglu Ma
Ouh, Ouh

Surprise Song Info

Song: Surprise
Band/Singer: Zeyna NDOUR & Viviane Chidid & PHILIPPE NDOUR
Lead Vocals: Zeyna NDOUR & Viviane Chidid & PHILIPPE NDOUR
Lyrics: Bakhaw DIOUM
Music Label: Viviane Chidid
Featuring: Zeyna NDOUR & Viviane Chidid & PHILIPPE NDOUR
Release Date:
September 8, 2023

LyricsWorldYou FAQs & Trivia

Who wrote the lyrics of the “​Surprise” song?
Bakhaw DIOUM has written the lyrics of “Surprise”.

Who is the singer of the “​Surprise” song?
Zeyna NDOUR & Viviane Chidid, and PHILIPPE NDOUR have sung the song “​Surprise”.

Who is the music producer of the “​Surprise” song?
“Surprise” song music was produced by ​​​​​AKATCHE.

When was the “​Surprise” song released?
“Surprise” song was released on September 8, 2023.

Surprise Music Video